Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Zombie Shamble

 These three Lovelies and I saw a random ad to audition for a Zombie music video. So of course we auditioned. Who doesn't have "Be in a Zombie Music Video" on their weird College To-Do list? When we got to the auditions, they had us do a Zombie, walk,run, shuffle, shamble...who even knows what a zombie shamble is? We sure didn't. They also taped us making a Zombie happy, sad and excited face. 
Did we know what we were doing? Heck to the no. We all just made it up as we went and surprisingly enough we made it into the video!! First we had our makeup done in a random art warehouse in Salt Lake. There were some hardcore Zombie fans there and some hardcore makeup artists as well. If you think Oatmeal looks gross in a bowl, wait until you see it mixed with fake blood and guts on someone's face. SICKNASTY! We then had our wardrobes cut and dirtied to sufficiency.
Unfortunately the goons in charge of this video had us arrive HOURS early. So we sat around for a few hours taking a bunch of Zombie Selfies until finally we started shooting the video which you can find here. Now we've officially checked "Zombie Music Video" off the list. 
Was it fun? Yes. 
Did we make some dang good lookin' Zombies? Yes. 
Will we ever do it again? I'm gonna say that's a negative ;)

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