First things was bound to be an off day when I decided to put my hair in a pony tail AND wear a headband. Who am I?!! I never do this. I should have known the day was jinxed as soon as I pulled the mane attached to my head back into that elastic band....bad idea.
Second things second...Jake and I are both taking Music 101 to pass off for our GE's. Part of our grade comes from attending concerts that play Classical Music. Normally we'll go to a Piano Concert featuring a student or to a nice Chamber Orchestra concert, ya know the norm for these sorts of tre fancy things. We decided to switch it up a bit and attend the opera Cosi Fan Tutte instead for our next Concert Assignment....bad...bad...bad...idea.
In all fairness, it wasn't the acting or the singing that was terrible, it was the O B N O X I O U S length of the whole shebang. We were there for THREE AND A HALF HOURS! It was ridiculous! After spending all day on campus going to class, working, and studying, this was possibly the worst idea in the history of all time ever.
Do you know how much could have been done in THREE AND A HALF HOURS?!!! I could have made a three course meal for a homeless family, taken seven power naps, dreaded my hair, or even traveled to an entirely different state.
But no....we were too busy sitting through an Opera that slowly drained out all hope in the world. The cutest baby ever to grace this planet could not have even come close to making me smile by the time this thing was over. I was literally ready to climb in a Tank and blow up anything smiling, singing, breathing, or wearing an extravagant white wig.
After a much needed power nap and an extensive summation of sheer will power, I am able to say that I am a proud survivor of Cosi Fan Tutte.
Lesson Learned.
Lesson Learned.
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