Wednesday, June 27, 2012

MTC & Mini Golf

This morning Aunty Kalo, Uncle Lona, Dad, Lami, Ia and I dropped Elder Tuiketei off at the MTC. I could not be more excited or grateful for his example and desire to serve the Lord. I am so glad I got to experience dropping him off with my Dad and brothers. All the Mission Presidents and General Authorities happened to be in the MTC today, and you could feel their presence. Coolest experience ever. I would say that I'm going to miss dear Elder Tuiketei but I won't since he's exactly where he's supposed to be, doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing. He is awesome, and I know his family will be blessed for his service.
After that, Steven and I ran our Mini Golf event, which was the first event I worked as an official employee. Everyone had a blast. We built a Windmill for our last hole with a rotisserie chicken cooker on the inside to turn the blades of the fan. This was Steven's idea after taking a shopping trip down to the DI. We named her the Windmill of Doom and she is a beauty.
We used t-shirts as prizes for those that made in through the blades of the windmill and a Jamba Juice certificate to those that made a hole in one. Each player had three shots to make the magic happen. We didn't give out too many Jamba certificates, but we did get rid of a lot of t-shirts. It's hard to believe I get paid to do this. Best job ever.

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