Monday, October 15, 2012

Brilliant, Talented & Fabulous

"Assisting individuals in their quest for Perfection and Eternal Life." 
That is the mission statement of the beautiful University that I attend. Some days I look at the never ending workload and wonder what I'm even doing here. Am I truly feeding a hunger for knowledge or am I simply learning how to study and take tests in a two to four month period of time as I memorize and then forget. What am I actually retaining? 
I might as well become a welder or a chandelier maker or a very pricey gypsy that charges bookoo bucks for palm reading and start saving up, right?...Wrong.
As I walked through campus today I realized that I am trying. The act of simply seeking for more knowledge is an accomplishment within itself. I am grateful for the workload, and I will lugg it around with a smile. Even though a world traveling caravan including bright colors, painted fingernails and obnoxious hoop earrings does sound enticing....I am content with Provo. 
I love this University, and I love the freedom that I have to work towards perfection and Eternal Life. What an incredible blessing it is to attend a University that encourages these goals!
 Even though, it can be hard at times, I will smile, because life is a beautiful thing, filled with so much to smile about. And when I feel like an inbred and mindless cavewoman drowning in a sea full of good-looking geniuses, asking myself "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?"...I will tell myself "Who am I not to be?" 

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